Locker Sloping Tops

Locker Sloping Tops


$ 33 95 - $ 103 95

Size: reset
12"W x 12"D
12"W x 15"D
12"W x 18"D
15"W x 18"D
15"W x 21"D
18"W x 21"D
24"W x 24"H
36"W x 12"D
36"W x 15"D
36"W x 18"D
45"W x 18"D
45"W x 21"D

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Tennsco Locker Sloping Tops prevent dust and trash from accumulating on top of lockers. This steel top fits on your Tennsco locker and provides a finished look. The power-coat paint finish comes in several attractive colors. Backed by a one-year warranty.

For assistance as you shop for sloping locker tops, call (877) 839-3330.