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Creation Cubes with Clover Whiteboard Tops & Stools
From $ 1,740 95
Quad Pod Maker Table
$ 1,545 95
prod_code= BLT-91694-A| second tree blt-compass-mobile-makerspace-tables=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29317b
Compass Mobile Makerspace Tables
From $ 633 95
prod_code= PAR-INVENTBB483629| second tree par-maker-invent-butcher-block-work-tables=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29443b
Maker Invent Butcher Block Work Tables
From $ 1,222 95
prod_code= ACA-DW30-5252| second tree aca-stem-workstations-w-shelves=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 20407b
Stem Workstations w/ Shelves
From $ 2,628 95
Robotics Workbench
$ 2,400 95
STEM Workstation
$ 637 75
STEM Makerspace Table
$ 774 75
STEAM Mobile Multimedia Cart
$ 736 75
prod_code= ACA-DWC30-5252| second tree aca-stem-workstations-with-bins=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 20408b
Stem Workstations w/ Totes
From $ 2,855 95
Robotics Workbench Cabinet
$ 2,380 95
Mobile Multi-Purpose Cart
$ 942 95
prod_code= CEF-ED-36| second tree cef-original-ed-tables=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 19734b
Original Ed Tables
From $ 5,433 95
prod_code= CEF-EDL-36| second tree cef-ed-double-tables=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 19735b
Ed Double Tables
From $ 5,978 95
prod_code= CEF-ED8-36| second tree cef-ed-8-tables=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 19737b
Ed 8 Tables
From $ 6,346 95
prod_code= CEF-ID34-BAS| second tree cef-idea-islands=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 19750b
Idea Islands
From $ 2,843 95
Sit to Stand Butcher Block Table
$ 1,352 95
Sit to Stand Glass Markerboard Table
$ 3,283 95
prod_code= CEF-CC30-HPL-SQR-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-with-square-tops-and-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29474b
Creation Cubes with Square Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CC30-WHM-SQR-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-w-square-whiteboard-tops-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29475b
Creation Cubes with Square Whiteboard Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CC30-BB-SQR-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-w-sq-butcher-block-tops-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29476b
Creation Cubes with Square Butcher Block Tops & Stools
From $ 2,170 95
prod_code= CEF-CC30-HPL-CIR-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-with-round-tops-and-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29477b
Creation Cubes with Round Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CC30-WHM-CIR-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-w-round-whiteboard-tops-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29478b
Creation Cubes with Round Whiteboard Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CC30-HPL-CLV-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-with-clover-tops-and-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29479b
Creation Cubes with Clover Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CC30-WHM-OCT-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-w-ocatagon-whitebrd-tops-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29481b
Creation Cubes with Octagon Whiteboard Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CC30-HPL-OCT-4ST| second tree cef-creation-cubes-with-octagon-tops-and-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29482b
Creation Cubes with Octagon Tops & Stools
prod_code= CEF-CH-MTS-26-6| second tree cef-chameleon-table-with-stools=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29484b
Chameleon Tables with Stools
From $ 3,169 95
prod_code= CTW-CE2097DGGC-WB2D2T2Q| second tree ctw-storwerks-workbenches-with-storage-trays=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29266b
StorWerks Workbenches with Storage Trays
From $ 2,247 95
prod_code= CTW-CE2097DGGC-1D1T1Q| second tree ctw-storwerks-workbench-stations-w-storage-trays=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29267b
StorWerks Workbench Stations with Storage Trays
From $ 1,082 95
prod_code= DIV-AMS60307| second tree div-fab-lab-workbenches=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 19440b
Fab-Lab Workbenches
From $ 911 95
prod_code= DIV-255588| second tree div-shelves-for-fab-lab-workbenches=g.nbsubcat_emporium_treeimage; ||| 29825b
Shelves for Fab-Lab Workbenches
From $ 208 95
Casters for Fab-Lab Workbenches - Pack of 4
$ 168 95