Music Staff Lines Magnetic Whiteboards with Box Tray

Music Staff Lines Magnetic Whiteboards with Box Tray


$ 618 95 - $ 755 95

Board Size: reset
4'H x 6'W
4'H x 8'W

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Looking for whiteboards for your music room? The Ghent Music Staff Magnetic Whiteboard has permanently printed staff lines that save you the hassle of redrawing lines each time you erase notes. This high-quality magnetic whiteboard features a porcelain-on-steel surface that resists scratches, stains and ghosting. The board comes with an aluminum frame and premium box marker tray, four markers and an eraser. This Ghent Music Staff Magnetic Whiteboard carries an impressive 50-year warranty on the board surface.

Select from two sizes and order your music whiteboard online or over the phone.