Multicultural Math Posters

Multicultural Math Posters


$ 33 95

Description: reset
Set A (China, India, Japan, Korea)
Set B (Africa, Arabia, Egypt, Russia)
Set C (Aztec, Babylon, Inca, Mayan)
Set D (United States, Navajo, Ireland, Europe)

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Looking to spruce up your math classroom? Geyer Multicultural Math of the World Posters help you celebrate math from all over the world. Each set includes four colorful posters, each with eye-catching graphics, facts and a history of that society's math culture. Each 24" wide by 36" high poster can be framed or hung as is to add a colorful, insightful addition to your classroom. Choose from several sets.

Call us at (877) 839-3330 or click a link to start shopping today.